Trump Drops Sledgehammer on Protesters – These 4 Words Are Just Pure Fire – Conservatives News

The anti-Israel movement that started after the October 7th attack has ramped up in recent weeks. College students, helped it seems by pro-Palestinian forces, have been illegally occupying campuses. The protesters have been chanting pro-Hamas slogans, while openly calling for hostility…

Protester Gets a Dose of Southern Justice – Red State Officer Goes Viral with Epic Video – Conservatives News

Red state officials are fed up with the pro-Hamas protesters holding college campuses hostage. Student and faculty protesters are ignoring school rules and lawful orders from police officers as they throw these schools into disorder. The continuing display of protests…

After Newsom Begs California Residents for Help – Their Responses Are Brutal Karma for Gavin – Conservatives News

Politicians are always looking for ways to leave a legacy long after they leave office. Most want something profoundly positive to enshrine their efforts during their time of service. One blue state governor, who arguably doesn’t have a positive track…