GOP Congress Leader Unveils Fiery New Bill – Plans to Stop Dems from Doing 1 Anti-American Thing – Conservatives News

Democrats openly support other countries over America when it suits their needs. They still don’t want former President Donald Trump to have any advantage in the upcoming presidential election. The leftists somehow still believe, or at least promote the idea,…

Obama Clinton Ally Exposed in 1 Ugly Crime – You Won’t Believe What Sick Thing He’s Charged With – Conservatives News

Critics often claim that the Clintons’ closest allies are bad news. Many pointed out that Jeffrey Epstein visited the Clinton White House and associated with both Bill and Hillary. Other top Democrat officials who worked with Barack Obama have been…

New 2024 Poll Shows Surprising Switch – Both Biden and Trump Didn’t See This Change Coming – Conservatives News

It’s clear that Democrats fear Trump’s impact on the 2024 Election. That is why, according to many Americans, they have thrown many criminal cases against the former president. Joe Biden’s weak approval means he might lose to Trump, as many…

GOP Governor Drops Trump Bombshell – Here’s What She’ll Do if Trump Is Convicted – Conservatives News

Former President Donald Trump has been forced to run a legal gauntlet on his way to the 2024 presidential election. He has been attacked by vicious Democrats in civilian and criminal courts in an effort to derail his campaign. Democrats…

Seconds After Dems Fly Ukraine Flag in House – Speaker Johnson Unloads 1 Perfect Hammer on Them – Conservatives News

Despite protests from members of his party, House Speaker Johnson paved the way for several aid packages to get passed. The House passed bills to provide billions of U.S. tax dollars for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. A bill to provide…

The Trump Hush Money Trial JUST FLIPPED! – Conservatives News

This is so good! Today we got a classic Trump move in a game of 4D chess and it’s looking like the Teflon Don is going to beat ANOTHER one of these sham trials. Allow me to explain…. Actually, I’ll…

After Christians Forced to Tear Down Cross – They Slam California with 1 Strong Move – Conservatives News

Christians have been attacked more and more in recent years. Believers have been forced to endure attacks from the courts, local and state governments, and violent activists who want to suppress religious freedom and expression. The attacks have occurred across…

A Note To Sane People – Conservatives News

Thank you to a reader for sending me this. It’s so good and so true I had to share with all of you… You might want to pass it along as well. Critical things to think about in 2024 I…

Trump accused of attempting to “corrupt” the 2016 election as the hush money trial gets underway.

In New York, prosecutor Matthew Colangelo asserted on Monday that Donald Trump endeavored to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election by preventing damaging stories about his personal life from becoming public, as the trial for his hush money case commenced.…

Kevin McCarthy Calls for Election ‘Fairness’ As Trump Faces Prosecutions In Election Year

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently drew attention during an interview with Fox News host Howie Kurtz where he appeared to suggest that President Joe Biden should intervene in the justice system concerning former President Donald Trump’s legal issues, which…