Sold Out! Uniparty Devils Sending $95 Billion to Corrupt Foreign Governments – $300 Million Goes for Ukraine Border Security but ZERO DOLLARS for Our Own Border Security

The House vote on Saturday was deeply disappointing and represented a significant betrayal of American interests and the well-being of our working class and struggling middle class. Led by Speaker Mike Johnson, these lawmakers disregarded the needs of Americans by…

CNN Legal Analyst Warns Throwing Trump in Jail Will Lead to “Civil Unrest”

House Democrats have introduced a legislative proposal aimed at revoking Secret Service protection from individuals who have been convicted of a crime and are serving prison sentences. This measure is widely seen as targeted at former President Trump, who currently…

Hillary Clinton Says Donald Trump Wants to ‘Kill’ and ‘Imprison’ His Political Opposition

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a significant figure in Democratic politics and a two-time presidential candidate, delivered a thought-provoking message regarding former President Donald Trump during a podcast hosted by Democratic election law expert Marc Elias. Speaking on the…

Bill Barr Reveals Why He’s Picking Trump Over Biden – Conservatives News

Former Attorney General Bill Barr on Saturday said that he would back former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden in the 2024 election despite having said otherwise in previous interviews. “I’ve said all along that I think it’s my…

“God Is Real, Jesus Existed…and He Was a Badass!” – Conservatives News

Ok, so forgive the headline and the quote from this interview, but I didn’t say it. I just cover the news. And here’s why I love this short 8 minute clip. This guy was a 58 year old Atheist. Until…

Trump Trial Rocked by New $100M Bombshell – Donald’s Ally Makes Shock Claim About Judge – Conservatives News

This week saw the start of the “hush money” trial against Donald Trump. Democrat prosecutors in New York are trying to convict him of a laundry list of charges. Many Americans believe this—like all the other cases—is a poorly veiled…

Hollywood Devastated by Massive Woke Loss – Top Studio Finally Closes Down for Good – Conservatives News

Hollywood was an iconic part of American culture for generations. People looked to the home of legends and heroes as a wondrous escape from day-to-day living. This was all before Hollywood turned its nose up at the people who supported…

Biden Suffers 1 Epic Humiliation – Democrats Can’t Believe This Historic Snub – Conservatives News

The mainstream media is often considered the mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. No matter how badly Democrats perform, they can count on liberal outlets to prop up their image. That is certainly true in an election year, where a Democrat…

‘Ready To Testify For Trump’ – Conservatives News

I did not think we would be seeing or covering something like this, but in time all things are possible. Former Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti is reportedly in talks with President Trump’s defense team and is allegedly willing to testify on the former President’s behalf. The convicted…

Blue State Slammed with Bombshell Lawsuit – Their Own Counties Just Accused Them of 1 Major Crime – Conservatives News

Joe Biden’s immigration policies that feature an open border that allows millions of illegal immigrants into the country are hammering cities and counties across the country. Municipalities, many in blue states, are struggling to pay for unlimited services to these…